I have a new blog at Tumblr. What is a Tumblr?
To make a simple analogy: If blogs are journals, tumblelogs are scrapbooks.#
It's new and fun and I am blogging so I am happy.
My Mind Burns With Ideas
I haven't blogged much in any of my blogs. I just haven't felt like it.
In April my Mom came for a short visit. I cleaned house beforehand and when she saw my place she said it looked good... then did some cleaning. *rolls eyes and smiles* mothers.
Last Friday I wasn't feeling well and went to the clinic and then the hospital. I had my gall bladder removed Saturday and came home yesterday.
Today a friend stopped by to do some shopping for me. We shared a very good, and gooey, birthday cupcake. I turned 48 today.
Take care all. I hope you are well.
I don't have much to say but hated having the previous post the first thing people saw when they came here.
I have been playing online games and reading a lot. It's been nice to "just" observe rather than trying to record everything.
I have some ideas for more "Firemind Cinemas" - two with Dutch and International music videos. I'll post them when I feel like it or sooner if people are interested.
I hope you are all well.
I volunteered yesterday and it was great. I saw some people I hadn't seen in a while, got complimented on my haircut, and was able to give the right information to someone who needed it.
One nice thing about volunteering is the flexibility. If I am sick or busy I can phone in and say I can't make it. My position isn't essential but it makes things easier for my coworkers.
I think a number of volunteers quit after the funding for honorariums dried up. The cash wasn't great, but it helped and it was an incentive for many. I realized that the money was secondary to the work and social aspects. The place is an 'anchor' for me as it keeps me grounded and "forces" me to be more social.
After work a coworker/friend and I went to the WIN discount store on Pandora. I bought a pullover shirt for about five bucks and a belt for seven. The "biker belt" is made of thick black leather and has studs on it. It should last a long time.
My friend and I then went to Szechuan City for supper. I ate a lot and enjoyed myself. I think I could live on the prawns, the sweet and sour pork, and the mango pudding/jelly thingy.
I hope your weekend is going well.
The last week and a half has been a mix of good and bad days. I volunteered on the 9th for the first time in ages and it felt great. I wasn't feeling ill or tired. Afterwards some friends and I went to Szechuan City for supper. The buffet cost $13.95 and was excellent.
On Saturday the 10th I went to Dim Sum at Don Mee's with my friend from up-island and another old university friend. It was great. Later on I stopped at Jimmy's and got a proper haircut. Very few people commented on on my hair since I cut it but he comments weren't good. Sigh (haha).
On Sunday/Monday I had a stomach ache so I went and bought some strong antacid tablets. Gaviscon is great but expensive.
For most of last week I was tired but not feeling too bad. I slept in on Friday and missed volunteering. I wasn't happy about that.
On Sunday I had stomach problems again. I ate out and then found myself falling asleep at the computer. I didn't want to sleep too soon after eating (90 mins) but I had no choice. I woke up 3 hours later with a horrible stomach ache. I took some antacids and that helped a bit but I was so bloated. No indigestion or constipation; just a "basketball" (or two) stuck in my gut.
I couldn't get my stomach to behave and I couldn't lay down or sit. I got dressed and was going to go for a walk outside. Before I did that I had a glass of water and checked online for information. The info didn't help but got me thinking about getting myself sick to get better. Suddenly I felt nauseous and broke out in a hot sweat. I rushed to the bathroom and got sick I never felt so happy to puke in my life because the stomach pressure was gone!
I just had my first real meal since then and it was a safe one (an omelet). For the past few days I've been eating scones and liquid yogurt and was glad to have something different. We'll see how it goes.
I have more to blog about but it will have to wait for another post.
for website adequacy