Saturday, November 20, 2004

Firemind And Copyright

I am helping Gale with understanding the Creative Commons license she is interested in. It led to the following points which I decided to post here. I hope to work on this some more and any feedback would be appreciated.

Firemind is full copyright for a number of reasons:

  1. I tended to write longer essay style posts and didn't want someone mushing up my work.

  2. I wanted people to come to my site and send their friends to read my interesting stuff. I didn't want people with popular blogs copying my stuff to enhance their readership at the expense of mine.

  3. A lot of my writing is personal in the sense that I take my ideas and work them out on paper. A lot of time, and energy, and feeling goes into these posts.

  4. I have wanted to be a writer for years. Here I AM a writer. Someday I may incorporate these posts into something 'published for profit'.

  5. I have thought of licensing Firemind through Creative Commons but I just haven't come to a firm decision.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think there's copywrite info over at the Science Fiction Writer's Association website: