Tuesday, August 30, 2005

These Dreams Were Dry

I finally got some decent sleep. Lately I have been waking up after only four hours of sleep. Even if I lay in bed or listened to music I wouldn't sleep. I was tired during the day.

Yesterday I didn't set my alarm and slept for about 12 hours. I felt better when I finally got out of bed. I did feel odd though because of all the weird dreams.


This nightmare forced me awake about five a.m.

I dreamed someone was carrying a light and coming down the hall. The person was approaching my door and about to enter my bedroom. I remember saying "This must be a dream. Wake Up! Wake Up!" but I couldn't wake up. Then I did wake up and caught a glimpse of light moving across my door. It was a car doing a u-turn and it's headlights flashed on my wall.

Since the dream was 'explained' I found it easy to fall asleep again.


I was sitting at my table writing. For some reason my table was in front of 'my' vehicle on a road. Suddenly a panicking horse came racing by and nearly hit me. It disappeared down the road behind me. In the distance I could see a whole herd of stampeding horses coming.

The scene shifted to a house. There was a closed door from which I could hear the sound of stampeding horses. It was loud and terrifying. I screamed at someone that we had to load our stuff and leave. She agreed. A man said we were overreacting. I thought he was foolish.

As the dream faded out I could still hear the horses approaching.

This dream may be the result of reading about the evacuation of New Orleans as Hurricane Katrina approached.

There were two more dreams that I don't remember much about. One was a nightmare but didn't wake me. Neither were any racier than these two.


Unknown said...

Info overload. I recommend you cut down your Internet surfing from 12 hours a day to 10.

Leon said...

Aw Joel! :)