Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Nice Walk

I had a nice walk today. I went down Menzies to Michigan Street and then followed it slowly all the way to the park by Fisherman's Wharf. The sunshine and mild air felt so nice.

I watched a squirrel carrying a big acorn. He was poking around on a lawn and found a soft spot to bury his 'treasure'. He came right up to me, and had a look, and then wandered off. I didn't disturb him with my camera. Maybe next time.

I made a side trip up a short dead end street and took pics of some gardens. They had fruit and vegetables growing right beside the street. I got a pic of a bush full of plums.

I puttered around the park for a while taking pics of various things. At one point I lay on a bench and relaxed and then took pics from that perspective. Photographers are weird.

I finally came home and drank some bottled Green Tea. I then got another idea for a photo. I took a pic of an object while looking through the tea. I hope it turns out.

The day has been fun and strange and will probably continue on that way.


Stephen said...

Whoa, that's weird. I kinda did the same thing with a bottle of green tea a couple days ago. Except I was looking from the bottom up to the lid. The kind I get have different symbols on the bottom of each lid. I figured it would be interesting. Too bad the picture didn't come out as well as I had hoped it would.

Leon said...

Green Tea must have a creative side to it. I used to get creative drinking beer but... :)