Wednesday, September 14, 2005

One Law For All

Faith-based arbitration has been available to Catholics and Jews in Ontario for years. It supplements Ontario civil law. Lately Muslims have requested a formalized system based on Sharia law. This has caused a storm of protest and the government abolished all faith based arbitration.

I am leery of different laws for different people. These faith based courts may work but I still prefer one common secular law.

Years ago I remember seeing a program from the UK showing witnesses being asked their faith so they could swear to tell the truth in a manner relevant to them. In the 1990's I was a witness in a BC court and my only option was to be "sworn in" an a Bible. We managed to work out an alternative but the defense lawyer could have made a fuss. I was surprised there were no alternatives to a Christian ritual. I also wondered about this religious aspect of a secular court.

Sharia Law: FAQs

1 comment:

Mick Flynn Images said...

Sharia law discriminates against women...'nuff said.