Thursday, September 01, 2005

Wild Kids

Kids these days get into the wildest things. Take these two young guys.

Sudman started listening to wild music and became a Gangsta! Now he needs to shave. Oh well.

Sudman Da Gangsta by firemind.

Sudman changed a little but Jake changed a lot. He lost some teeth and kept on changing.

Mutant Jake by firemind.

Ok, so I took some liberties with photos taken by Lou and Shahid. I used the Gimp and it was a pain.

I would like to say that Jake didn't really change into a mutant. Here's a pic to prove it.

jake throws a frisbee by .lou.

Look at the concentration involved (especially the careful placement of the tongue). Here is a boy who takes playing Frisbee seriously.

1 comment:

Leon said...

Shhh, Keith don't give them ideas.:)