Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Goodbye Sweet Queen

I just found out that the Queen Of The North sank last night.

When I moved to Victoria permanently in 1989 I drove down the "Dease Lake Road" to Prince Rupert and caught this ferry to Vancouver Island. I hadn't been on an overnight ferry since travelling in Europe. It was kind of exciting. I had sailed from the mainland to Vancouver Island many times and had sailed from Haines, Alaska to Prince Rupert when very young. Until 1989 I hadn't been on that route.

It's kind of odd really. A little bit of my history went down with that ship. Part of me realizes that it could have happened when I was on board.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried commenting on the entry after this one, and you word verification didn't like my answer. So .... It does our soul wonders to do nice things for other people. Particularly when it is not expected or even warranted. Good for you. You're soul is probably doing back flips!