Saturday, May 29, 2004

Oh So Social

I have been so outgoing lately. I volunteered on Thursday and talked with many people. Afterwards, I went to a dinner for one of my volunteer groups. However, I was the only one that showed up! At least I made an effort to be part of a group.

Today as I was going out for breakfast I met a friend of mine on the street. She joined me for breakfast and later on we wandered through the James Bay Market and a local community garden. We wandered down to Ogden Point and looked at the cruise ships and had coffee. We ended up hanging around for about four hours. I find this amazing because I don't know this person that well and I can get tired of strangers easily.

Isn't it funny how my guestbook/comment 'socializing' is carrying on into the real world? Being open to others views has to start somewhere. I know this person from volunteering and not from online but the cumulative effect of communication with others is that I am easing up a bit and being social.

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