Friday, July 23, 2004

The Five Questions Game.

I borrowed this from Maktaaq who got it from Raspberry. I find it an interesting meme because unlike most questionnaires/quizzes the questions change as much as the answers.

The game:

Ask me five questions and leave your website/email address. I'll answer them, then ask you five of your own.

Maktaaq asked:

1. What do you think is coming, another ice age or a tropical age?

In the long run there will be both. We may go wild like in 'The Day After Tomorrow' and get icy but I think we will be facing drought and storms for a while. Unfortunately this means opaque paint-like sunscreen in Victoria's California-like summers.

2. Under what circumstances would you eat a scorpion?

That depends on whether it was alive or dead. I would have to be hungry to kill and eat a live one. I would be more inclined to do so if it stung me. If the beastie was dead and cooked the circumstance could be as simple as finding it in a store.

3. If you decided tomorrow to be an eccentric, What kind of eccentric would you be?

Hey, I AM eccentric. Of the things I can/will divulge is my need to pet dogs I come across while walking (I do say hello to the owners), and my tendency to converse (Caw) with ravens and crows.

4. Where is the most exotic place you've travelled to?

I traveled to Europe in 1979 and 1980. The second trip took me from Britain to Greece, and from Spain to Scandinavia. The place that felt the most exciting and exotic was Spain. The food, the people, and especially the history wrapped me up and wouldn't release me. I loved Madrid, Toledo, Seville and Granada. As I sat under a palm tree drinking Pina (pineapple juice) one November day I wondered why I had to return to BC.

5. You are a top general with orders take over one country and destroy it and all its inhabitants. Which country would you choose?

China. It would be interesting (in a diabolical anthropology way) to see which of her populous neighbours would fill the vacuum.


Maktaaq said...

China? Uh oh, I also have a degree in Chinese, so I veel have to challenge you to a dual to protect China's honour. [Faux German/Scandinavian accent throughout.]

raspberry sundae said...

1) if you woke up to discover that, during the night, you had turned into a victoria's secret model, would you dance around naked or immediately cover your lacivious self?

2) would you rather have a porno soundtrack all the time or only when having sex?

3) if you had to remove one person from your life, who would it be and why?

4) which toy from your childhood do you miss the most?

5) what is the last poem you ever wrote using magnetic poetry?