Sunday, September 05, 2004

Blogging For Luke 12

Luke's family is getting wonderful encouragement from strangers. The comments include heart warming personal stories:

37 years ago I was in a light airplane crash and suffererd severe injuries, especially to my head and face. As did Luke, I experienced clinical death, twice, while on the operating table.

The writer gives an honest appraisal of how the accident has affected him. He concludes with:

Phyisically? Well at 73 years old, played in two competitive softball leagues this summer and even pinch ran for some of the slower, old folk.

So how is Luke going to come out of this? Just fine!!
Read the full story.

After my last post I went to Katy's Blog and said I had linked to them. As I reread my comment the post changed and they mentioned my blog!

This brings up an important point. I am finding it hard to post to my blog at times because of the high volume of traffic. I am posting this to the comments of the 'Teddy Bear page':

Just a note to people trying to post comments here . There is probably a lot of traffic going through the servers and this slows things down. Just be patient. If you don't see your post right away check back later. It may have been posted but not showing yet.

You can use my guestbook (upper right side of blog) if you can't leave a comment here. It is run by another company and probably not as stressed. I will still add you to the list.


I also posted a version in the comments at 'How is Luke Doing'.

Don't forget that people will also be reading weblogs written in Florida. Friends and relatives will be looking for updates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Leon -

I don't know you - but feel like I do through Luke's Dad's blog. Anywho - I have a LJ and there is this LJ Cluster Map, where you can post where all your friends are located, etc.
Do you know of anything like this - or are talented enough to make one up for blogger. I thought it would be awesome to make something up for that everyone that is "blogging for Luke" can we know where everyone is.
You can e-mail me...if you have any questions.
Thanks! Jasmyn :-)