Sunday, September 12, 2004

Customer Service? Eat my shorts.

Trouble comes in twos it seems. Today I payed some bills and refused to touch my phone bill. There was a time (back in the BC Tel days) when service at Telus was good and the bills were understandable.

I would love to get rid of my phone but I need it for some things. I have one of those calling plans that Telus stopped using, but still honours for current customers. My long distance should be okay right? Nope. They add a $3.95 long distance administration fee. The fee is more than my long distance!

I suppose I could stop having an unlisted number, buy my own phone, and stop calling long distance. That might save me ten bucks, but Telus will find a way to eat that up.

I hoped to spend a nice evening puttering with a computer program that was offered free in a magazine. Vue D' Esprit 3 is a 3D landscape generator and had good reviews. I have version two and I have made some great pictures with it. I was looking forward to having fun.

I just spent far too much time trying to contact customer service because of problems with activation of the program. The website is byzantine and the activation doesn't work. The company was great to deal with in the past. I am less than impressed right now.

Since everything is noxious tonight I will adopt a temporary name. Hi, My name is Pepperhead. Sneeze if you like me.


Anonymous said...


Brent said...

It's allergy season. I'd be sneezing even if I didn't like you!

Unknown said...

I go away for a while and look what you do to your blog. Sigh. Now I'll never catch up ;-)

Leon said...

Thanks all! When all else fails have a nap. I had a big nap and finished reading my novel. Low tech therapy!

Unknown said...

Uh, Pepperhead, what exactly is Tellus?

Leon said...

Joel - an evil telephone company.